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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm Back!!!

I am sitting in the doctor's office waiting to be seen, and realized that this was the perfect time to catch up all my fans (hahahhaa) on my incredible life. Man, was that ever a funny statement. I spent all last week at home, and literally tried to cram everything I could in a few days. I spent 2 nights teaching people how to sell on Ebay. These classes were held at our church. I pray that the information that I flew out to them really helped them. Ebay is such a great way to make extra money or make a living. It is according to how much you want to work.

Then Dish Network comes and installs us some TV. No kind of TV for a year and a half. While I have not missed watching senseless non-funny sitcoms, I have missed the weather. I also love Swamp Loggers and American Pickers. So now we can DVR them and have something decent to watch.

I found myself at the salon to get a perm in the old mop. I love my hair dresser, Becky Lee. I have so much fun going there. As a matter of fact, I went twice last week. I also went with my friend, Kelly, to get her perm. We spent the day together having some girl time.

Thursday, mom had heart cath and the balloon procedure done. She had to spend the night and my aunt Carolyn stayed with her. She is still having some problems, so I think changing Cardiologist is in her future. Mark and I went over to grill them up some food on Saturday. A small thing to do to help them out.

Sunday started our revival at church, and it got me pumped up. 4 received Christ that morning, and one of those was my hair dresser's son. It was a fantastic service. We had a fellowship dinner that night and revival continues through Wednesday.

Monday we found ourselves getting Mark's labs done and doing a little shopping in town before revival. I also mailed out Squawker's McCaw. The FurReal animal that I bought at a yard sale for $5. He sold for a whooping $91. I wrapped him up good and tight.

Then back to Moore County on Tuesday, but not before I have a good scare. Woke up with the left side of my face numb and swollen. That is mainly why I am sitting in the doctor's office now.

The verdict is in...sinus infection, both ears infection, strep throat and the nerve in my face is infected. All thi cancels our traveling trip for this weekend. Regardless to being sick...I am back in the blogging world.

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