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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crazy Mixed Up!!!

The title for the blog is because there will be a variety of things talked about in this blog that are totally unrelated.  Now I know most of you thought from the title that I was going to talk about myself.  LOL

First let me say that I love remodeling.  Not that I am actually doing any of the work, but I love it.  We (by we, I mean my Uncle Harold) is taking a closet and making us a half bath. I am thrilled to pieces.  If you are a multi bathroom family, you might not be so thrilled, but we are a one bath family right now; and it doesn't always work.  I have loved watching the process of our little house transform right before our very eyes.  The only problem is before we get through with one thing, I want to do something else.  LOL
This is the end of our home before our improvements began.  The poor wreath did not help at all.  LOL
This is the finished product of our remodeling.  New siding, new windows and new doors.

Our flowers were very pretty this spring.  I have loved watching them bloom.  I have raised my windows (only since I have new ones) and let the cool spring feeling air come in, but I noticed our pine trees are brimming with yellow balls of pollen...so maybe no more raised windows for us.
 Our daffodils that we planted the first fall we moved here were gorgeous this year.

 We planted this daffodils our first there as well, and my cow (which I love) was a yard sale find for only $1.
 Up close and personal with the flowers.  They had such vibrant color this year.
Our gorgeous yellow bell bushes.  They always seem to show off.  My grandmother planted these when she lived there.  If I am not mistaken, I think these are cutting off her mom's bushes.  My great grandmother died at age 91 in 1979 (I think), so I think that it is pretty cool these bushes are a product of some that she had.  Family heritage in a plant.  I must admit that we haven't been that diligent about working in our yard.  The reason is, every time we had the yard looking great the house with all the rotten siding made it look horrible.  It seemed to be a wasted effort.  But now that our house looks great on the outside, I am excited about planting and doing more things outside.

My father in law seems to have improved on his new dementia medicine.  Sometimes a little too well.  I say that because hurdles that we have over come before like, no driving and someone else handling finances has resurfaced.  We thought these were things that were firm in his mind, but the medicine has worked so well that we are facing these hurdles again.  We have found (thanks to my sister in law) that typing a letter to him works.  He will reread it over and over again, so things stick in his mind.  This has saved us from having to repeat ourselves.  I was proud of him today as he realized that the time, day and date was wrong on the clock.  You would have to leave here to know how many times a day Mark and I tell him the day and the date.  We are thankful for any progress he makes.

Our sweet niece Anna just found out that she is having twins.  We are super duper delighted.  They are due in September.  Some of you may know that Mark and I lost twin girls on September 15, 1994.  I would be so excited if her twins were born on this day.  We can't choose these things, but I can hope.  She found out that they are identical, so we are getting two of something.  We are so excited for her and Mitchell.
We are so happy for Anna and Mitchell on their expectant arrival of twins.  We will be praying hard for the safety of their arrival.

I have had a noisy visitor at my house lately.  I can't really say much because I feed him, so I guess he won't go away now.  Meet...Chicken and Dumplings.
This is our neighbor's rooster who spends more time at our house than his.  He is funny!! He eats birdseed along with Willy (our squirrel) and the birds.  He doesn't crow in the morning, he waits to around 3 pm.  I love watching him strut around our yard.  He is a hero though.  A week ago, a hawk swooped down and almost had a small hen, but Chicken and Dumplings ran over and spurred and pecked that hawk.  He let the hen go, and Chicken and Dumplings carried her to safety under the grape vine.  A true hero in his own right.

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