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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Moving On Down!!!

I had promised myself that I was not going to turn this into a weight loss blog, but the blog is about my life and right now losing weight is my life.  I finally hit my 25 lb mark and I have been on Weight Watcher's for 2 months now.  I had set a personal goal of losing 12 lbs a month, and so far I have achieved this goal.

I had the ultimate thrill yesterday when I went shopping.  I finally got to leave the women's section of the store and shop in the misses section.  It was only for pants, but I will take it.  I am still in the women's section for shirts, but another 10 or 15 lbs gone might solve that completely.  I found that clothes in the misses section are cheaper.  I got shorts for $5 and capris for $6.  I am moving on down...in sizes that is....and I feel great!!!

I remember watching Jennifer Hudson on Oprah and just being amazed at the weight she had lost.  I remember her on American Idol and them telling her that she was too fat to make it big.  I was so out raged at some of the judges statements, because she had the voice and who cared what she weighed...I wasn't listening or looking at her body...it was her voice that was so big.  I keep thinking that day as she sat on Oprah's set...if she can do it, so can I.  It was the beginning of a changing point in my life.

Even though I wanted to lose like Jennifer, I still wasn't motivated enough to start.  My feet were burning and hurting all the time, my stomach felt like it was coming up in my throat and I was struggling to breath most of the time.  My weight stopped me from doing things I loved, just simply because I didn't feel like doing anything.  Don't think that I didn't love myself, because I did...I am an only child, and self confidence is something I am not lacking.  I got tired of feeling tired and bad all the time.  It wasn't so much the weight that motivated me, but more of a healthier lifestyle that inspired me to begin and to continue.

I will say that it is nice to fit into smaller clothes and to physically look better, but it is more important to me to feel better and to be healthier on the inside.  I don't so much care what the scales say as rather what I am feeling physically. Weight Watcher's does the point system, and even though I have points to eat fried foods, I still choose grilled over fried, green vegetables over starchy items, fish over beef and salad over bread.  It is not that I can't have these things on WW, but I am choosing a healthier lifestyle.  My blood sugar levels have plummeted and I have found myself eating a 3 Musketeer bar to bring the levels up (it is only 7 pts) at times.  WW is not there to deprive you, but rather guide you.  Guiding you to find a healthy weight, but to also help you with portion control and self control (which I lacked and still struggle with).

It is a journey that I don't know if I will ever complete.  Food has somewhat of a hold on me.  I am learning that it is not always my friend, and there are other things to turn to in my hour of need, excitement, happiness, worry, stress or just plain life.  I am slowly learning that more is not always better. I am trying to change my mentality of "getting my monies worth".  Eating until I feel satisfied and not stuffed. I have learned that losing weight is more mental than it is physical.  The journey continues and I will keep you posted on my progress and my ups and downs.

1 comment:

  1. This made me cry! I am going through the same problem. It is a lifestyle change...and YOU said it, it is much more mental. Its more difficult than people realize. This really helped. Keep writing, if not another soul reads it, please know it helps me! Good luck, that is so awesome!
