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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teacher of All!!

As I have talked with people over the years, there is one thing I realized.  Most had almost no parenting in their life.  No one who was their biggest fan or helped them in the failures and success' in life.  I can't imagine that, because of the way I grew up.  My mom was constantly teaching me things about life.  I remember she spent countless hours with me on how to apply make up and tricks she had learned to have really big hair (hey it was the 80's).  She never tipped toed around the facts of life talk, which meant I was way more informed (correctly informed) than some of my classmates.  I always took for granted that every mother was doing this with their daughters.  That why I was so shocked as people shared how they were cast off or ignored with their problems growing up.  My mom and dad were always my biggest cheerleaders and always told me that I could do anything that I wanted to do.  I guess because of this up bringing that I am not afraid to try anything, whether I fail or succeed.  That was their point...at least try and do your best.  When you do your best, then you are not a failure.  I can't even imagine parents not supporting their children in the activities that they do.  My dad chased a many volleyballs in our yard, and my mom sat through a game with a blood clot in her leg before going to the hospital.  My biggest moment in my growing up years where I realized just how fortunate I was, is the night that my first boyfriend broke up with me.  As mom had voiced her concerns earlier, I was sure she was happy and on cloud nine that this was over.  As I cried my heart out in our swing, she came out to me.  I braced myself to hear, "I told you so."  Instead she sat down and hugged me and joined me in crying.   When I told my friends, most said that their mom's didn't even know whether they had a boyfriend or not.  Through the years she has been a teacher of all things, and my biggest cheerleader in my endeavors.  I am proud to call her mom, and I love her. 

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  1. i see someone has been playing in picasa :) now you need to widen your blog so you pics will fit! do i need to give you a blog tutorial??!!! ;)

  2. LOVE THIS!!! What a woman your mama is Tracey! You are blessed:)
