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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fake Church Signs!!!!

As I hear things on the news and read the newspaper, I think to myself a lot...what in the world is going on???  I mean there are so many things that just don't shock me anymore.  They don't shock me, but still I wonder why??? Why people do the things that they do, and where do they get the time.  This really came into play when my husbands boyhood church made national news with their church sign this week.

Someone photo shopped their sign to read as the following:

I am talking about a church that is not on the main road and even though I know where it is located, I still have to follow the signs to get there.  It is a country church!!! Why in the world would someone do this???  Not enough activities to fill their time?  For laughs? Publicity?  There have been many speculations as to why, but it comes down to common decency and respect for God's property (which this world seems to have none).  This is what their sign really read:

Pastor Barbery stands beside the real message that Beulah Hill Baptist Church is sending. The sign is locked and everything.  If you examine the two signs closely, you will notice the fonts are different.  Now this pastor has to spend a lot of his time defending his church and members. On a good side, their church has been packed since this has happened, and maybe a golden opportunity to share the gospel while he is being interviewed by so many.  What satan meant for evil, God turns it around for good.

Publicity has not been a problem.  Just mention a church, pastor or the word Christian and the media comes running.  Papers, such as the Moore County paper, The Pilot, has ran this story.  As well as, The Fayetteville Observer, not to mention a host of websites, and a snippet on Fox News.  This all started with TMZ running this photo shopped picture.  Not just the fact that a church was used, but a person and their baby was mentioned with such disregard to the new life that was just born (and I don't care that it was a celebrities baby, they have feelings and emotions as well).  America is so far down in a pit of filth it is not even funny.  Why say this about an innocent baby plus use God's house to say it?? 

This started out to inform everyone about a fake church sign, but I think the real story here is just how far America has sunk into an abyss of no morals, ethics, conscience or regard to human decency anymore.

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