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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Friday, January 13, 2012

Real Food V/S Fake Food!!!

I am watching the 700 Club the other week (I love watching Skinny Wednesday's) when they show this skinny blonde chick on their talking about her latest book.  It is called, "Skinny Chicks Eat Real Food."

Naturally after watching the show, and hearing all these great things that certain foods can do, I bought the book.  I understand where she is coming from in the book, but get real.  The book is basically about processed foods and how harmful they can be.  I understand that, but we are talking about canned food, frozen foods and even meats.  I don't have time or the money to run around and look for grain fed and organic food....I don't have kids, so imagine a mom of 4 trying to fit this into her time frame of all that leisure time that she has. LOL

I make a spinach, grilled chicken pizza, that I think is healthy...only 6 Weight Watcher points in a slice...that is a big slice.  But according to this chick the only thing good on my pizza is the spinach (and only then if is organic).  I buy the grilled chicken already cooked...a no no.  I buy the whole wheat pizza dough....a no no.  Not to mention the canned tomato sauce and the cheese....BIG no no's.

So, according to this book...I should be letting the yeast rise and making my own dough with some kind of flour that I have never heard of....buying fresh tomatoes and making my own tomato sauce.  Plus, getting some organic, free range chicken and grilling it myself to get the full benefits of eating "real food".  WHO HAS THAT KIND OF TIME??????? 

I say give me Sandra Lee with some semi homemade ideas any day.  I want my short cuts to preparing meals.  I want it to look like I have slaved away in the kitchen all day, but it reality I had time to read, go for a swim and still present a fabulous meal.

I am not saying this book isn't right on target, there are lots of extra things in our food at the grocery store.  I am just saying that I would have to become a professional chef to prepare our meals.   I would stay in the kitchen all day prepping for meals, because you can't buy those short cut veggies and fruits that are already cut for you....that is a no no. There are a few things that after reading what goes into them during processing I will give up.  But for now, I will probably be eating more "fake food" than "real food".

1 comment:

  1. I think this book sounds ridiculous too. I think you should be grinding your own flour to make your dough, getting the tomatoes out of your own garden and raising the chickens to kill for your meal. Shame on you for wanting the easy way out! :)

    By the way, I am totally with ya on this one Tracey! Sounds like that book goes a little overboard!
