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Friday, January 20, 2012


Why is it that when someone doesn't like the church, they continue to use and abuse their generosity?   We don't like that church, but we will take anything they will give us.  As Christians they should want to give, and we will take all.  Sometimes this is not just the unchurched, but often times it is the very attenders of the church.

Why it is when people are anti Christian and bad mouth Christians, they are the first to ask one to pray for them or their situtation?  But as soon as the crisis is over the bad mouthing continues. God is not a band-aid to just to fix problems and be there only when you need something.

These are a few things I don't understand.  I know that we should give and pray for those who ask.  I am not talking about not giving or praying for them, but what makes people act like this.

Again, why do some Christian act like this?  They don't like this church or church member or pastor, but they will continue to take from them.  I don't understand.  Sounds hypocritical to me.  I am just trying to figure out motive or ideology behind their thinking.  To me if I didn't like someone, I sure wouldn't impose on their generous nature.  This has happened personally as well...I say personally.  My husband was a pastor, and you hear what people say about you, and then they call you wanting you to pray for them or go see someone...after they have talked about you in the most disrespectable fashion.  As a Christian and pastor you pray and go do what they ask...why?  Because you have a heart for people and God has called you to minister....you esssentially are better than they are, in the sense that you are not petty and don't care what people say.  In reality you do care, you are human and have feelings.  The old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."  That is a big old honking lie...words hurt, and their hurt at times can run deep. 

I know that Jesus was persucuted and we will be as well, but there are times I want to stand and shout, "I am not going to take this abuse anymore."  The church gives and gives and yet it is run down in the ground by some.  Don't people realize that talking about one church hurts the cause of Christ, we are not in competition,but all the body of Christ.  Okay, I am getting into a whole other subject, but it is just irking me right now.  Noone church is better than another.  Size doesn't matter, programs don't matter and the building doesn't matter....what matters is the message.  Jesus died to forgive us of our sins!!!  He came to give us life and give it more abundantly!!!

I guess in this world there will be givers and takers.  It just saddens me to see takers that I feel don't really understand the love of God or His people.

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