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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Friday, July 15, 2011

Trying New Things!!!

I went to the Farmer's Market this week with all intentions of trying something new.  There were no vegetables available that I had never tried before, but there were some different varieties of vegetables that I had never eaten before.

 Hill Country Red Okra was found at one booth.

I can't wait to try this okra.  It is an heirloom okra out of Texas...as the farmer who grew it described it to me.  We love tomatoes and okra together, but this farmer told me to put it on a skewer and grill it.  I am going to have to try this!!!

 Early White or patty pan squash

While I love the yellow scallop aka yellow patty pan or sunburst, I have never tried the early white's.  My plan is to slice and grill these.  We have been doing that all summer with our squash and egg plant...then right before you serve it sprinkle it with some Parmesan cheese.  The farmer that sold me this one said they slice them kind of thick and brush olive oil on them that they have put basil in and then melted cheese on top while they are grilling.  That sound so delicious.  I have only used the yellow scallop squash in a salad raw, so I am anxious to try the patty pan on the grill.  I have loved egg plant grilled out this year.

As a treat for myself, I always get a nice bouquet of cut flowers for myself at the market.  I can't remember the names of these, but she says that the buds will open and they will last for 2 weeks.  I try to get different varieties of flowers every week.  I have enjoyed going out early to the market and strolling through and looking at all the vegetables, breads, eggs, flowers, plants, pottery, fruits and meat that the market has to offer.  I carry a recyclable tote and just browse through every one's booth.  I always go to all the booths, even if I am not buying breads, eggs or meats.  I chat with the farmers, who give you growing advice and recipes.  After strolling through all the vendor's tents, I make my way back to car feeling happy that I have helped in a small way to support our local farmer's.

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