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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Unexpected Blessings!!!

As we go through life, we often pray for specific things to happen.  We find ourselves praying for what we want and just how we want it to happen.  I laugh at that as I type this blog, because I can't imagine me doing that...but it so true.  It seems like we really trust God to supply our needs, but then I sit back and think how I prayed and I am really telling God just how to supply my needs.  Not sure that constitutes trust on my part.

Here is my story on this very subject.  As you know, we take of my in laws who in their 80's and have found themselves in rapidly declining health.  As you can imagine or know first hand, when old age and declining health takes place....it takes money or more money to keep up with all the bills.

We recently found ourselves with an dwindling bank account.  This was an account that we were counting on to take us through 2 years of care for my in laws.  But with 3 hospitalizations, insurance premium's, car repairs and the removal of a dead tree....our money was quickly vanishing.  

We did have an ace in the hole so to speak.  An adjoining neighbor had expressed an interest some time back in purchasing some land from us.  He was contacted that we were ready to sell, and guess what???  It takes time to sell and to also see if you can afford to buy land in this bad economy.  Our prayers have been, "Lord, please let him buy this land quickly."  We have prayed so hard the last 2 weeks about this land deal. All the while our money is quickly disappearing as one or more catastrophe's seems to come our way.  With no word about if the land is going to sell, our prayers sound more like..."Please let the man call today saying he has the money."  My sister in law calls on Tuesday, and I am anxious to hear that he had called and the sale is a go.  He has not gotten back with her, but she has other news.  There has been an account sitting around that we didn't know about that had enough money in to see us through several more months for their care.  I find myself in awe that once again God answers my prayer about the money issue, but He has His own plan of how it will be answered.  The land issue is still being discussed, but it His own time and in His own way God supplies our needs.  It was definitely an unexpected blessing!!!

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