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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Friday, August 20, 2010

Doggone It!!

We stopped at a Food Lion on the way home today. I sit in the van as Mark runs in the store. A truck pulls in front of us a couple of spaces over. The driver sits there for a while, then gets out. No sooner is he in the store this car pulls up behind his truck. This woman gets out of the car goes over to his truck and starts trying to put her hand down the window. I am intrigued now, and start to watch. She then goes back to the car where the drive has whipped out her cell phone and they are getting this man's license plate number. The elderly man comes out (riding in a motorized wheelchair). The car with the ladies leave. I don't usually say anything, but something compelled me to get out. I asked the man if he knew those ladies and he said no. I told him what I observed. I also told him that once I saw his dog in the car, that I thought they had turned him in for leaving the dog in the car. I can't repeat everything he said on here, it' a family blog. He did tell me that he sat there to run the a/c up and he had the windows cracked. He wasn't in the store even 5 minutes and when I went over the air coming out of the truck was noticeably cooler. Let me say that we had just gone by a thermometer and it read 80 degrees. The dog was not harmed and probably loved more than most children in this world. He thanked me, and I told him that I just wanted to make him aware in case he got a call or a visit. He left, and those ladies pulled up beside our van. She asked if I was getting on the elderly gentleman for leaving his dog in the car. Before I could answer she so smugly informed me that they had already called the law on him for leaving the dog in the car. I told her no. I said, "I ask him if knew you two because you were all over his truck like you were breaking in and getting his license number." That smug look left her face and she said, "Oh", and sped away. I love animals...Lilly is like my child and I never like to see one mistreated, but I wonder if she would have been so fired up and called the law if that was a child in that car??

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