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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ungodly People!!!

I have lived long enough to realize that not all people in the world are what they claim to be in life. I have found this somewhat disturbing. I am not talking about the obvious people that you run into that are just plain nasty and you know they are what they are. I am talking about people that you think are good Godly Christian people only to discover that they are not what they claim to be. The sad part is that over the past 17 plus years, we have found most of these people sitting in the pews of churches. Some are not that sudden or that open with their twisted ways. It is the sneaky ones that I really worry about. The ones that play the innocent part down real good and kissing up to your face, all the while sticking the knife in your back. Like I said the sad part is that most of the people that I have ran into that fall in this category have been in church. No wonder our churches and our world are in such a mess. Sitting in our pews and the leadership in God's house are mostly occupied by those who only have their "agenda" in mind....God is never in consideration when they start making "their plans". Most of the time these people desire power. They try to get power wherever they can succeed. If they can't rule over family or their work life, they usually try to rule in the church. The sad part is most people in life will let these people rule and get their way. They just sit back and let them reek havoc whether it be in the family, work or church. That is the hard part to swallow...Christian people who won't stand up for what is right. We have had one major bad experience in our life, and that was the attitude of most people. We don't want to make things worse is their answer for not standing up to the bullies in the church, work or family. They never take in consideration the feelings of those who have been hurt in life. Every one's motto is let's not cause a problem, just let them have their way. This explains so much when churches can't seem to go forward. Dig deep and there is always something or "someone" holding the church back. A few holding back the work of the Lord. I really feel sorry for those...judgement does come to those who stand in the way of the Lord. My desire is to find a church where God is in control and not a few people who "play church".


  1. I totally agree with this blog. Too many people what power in church, but I thought God was in control??? So far, I haven't found a church where "HE" is.

  2. Oh my, you could be describing my church for sure. We struggle with just a few people wanting to have control over everything. They are slowly destroying our church, especially now that we are looking for a pastor. People are leaving every day. They are so ungodly acting in the way they act and the things they do. We need some prayers down in Georgia.

  3. I love to read church blogs, and so sadly this one is so true. Here North of the Mason Dixon line the same is true. Just one man in our church holding us back. Dictating to us what will or will not happen at our church. We can't even get a pastor, who would want to come to this mess. I think I am going to go with your advise and stand up for the Lord. The devil has enough hold in our church as it is now. Thanks for an eye opening blog entry.

  4. Sad, but so true. Most of my hurt in life has come from so called Christians.

  5. I almost wondered if you had been at my church lately, until I saw you were in NC. This so much describes what is going on in my church at this time. Sadly, noone says anything about the ones hurting people by their venonous words. So unchrist like actions taking place. As I see your comments, our church isn't the only one. Isn't that sad?? We need to pray for one another. Thanks for a great blog.
    Lubbock, TX

  6. I love your blog. I just found it today. Sadly this one entry is very true. Our church just split because of a few people who didn't like our preacher. They made his life miserable. No one said anything to them not even the Elders. Everyone just left. From 200 in worship to 25 last Sunday. It is so sad, and those few are totally in control now. I just keep hoping and praying that they will turn to God.
