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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Can't Have Them??? But I Want Them!!!

Why is it that you when you can't have something, that is when you really want it so bad you can taste it. I am talking about oysters!! Yes, oysters!! Not that they are season right now (you are only suppose to eat them in months that have a "R" in their name), which means that we aren't going to really get fresh oysters until September. Anywho, they are off the menus at the fish houses here in Moore County. I really had planned on a bowl of oyster stew tonight at the fish house. No oysters and maybe no baby shrimp in a few weeks. They are even reprinting menus. We have the BP oil spill to thank for this. Not only is there no more oyster stew in my future, but it maybe effecting my "Skrimp" (a tribute to my friend Tiffany Johnson) enjoyment as well. I also feel sorry for the wildlife that is getting caught in this mess. Then there are our fellow southern states that are losing millions of dollars in tourism with this avoidable catastrophe. I mean who wants to go to a beach with oil flowing up on the shore. As I am writing this blog, I hear on the news of a fisherman who took his life due to this...what a shame and a tragic loss to his family. Being someone who grew up on the coast, and ate seafood like most people eat chicken this is very heart breaking. People's lively hood and way of life is being snuffed out. Generations and generations of fishermen are losing their way of life...essentially they are losing their heritage. I am not sure of the answer or who really is at fault...the buck has been passed around so many times. It really doesn't matter who is to blame at this point, but more of what is the solution to stop this and clean it up. To have somethings wiped out completely is beyond my comprehension. To have our beautiful beaches effected and our way of life is just mind boggling.

No more oysters in my future right now. I really would like some right now. The funny part is when I order them...I only eat about 3 off my plate. I like them, but they are not my favorite. Now that I know that I can't get them, I am craving them like crazy.

Oyster Bed!!!

I love steamed oysters and I found out that I can do them in the oven or on the grill. That beats going to a lot of trouble building a pit. I will miss you my little buddies.

I pray that a solution is found soon for absorbing all this oil and no more wildlife or human life is effected no more that it already as been affected. I don't know what I will do if crabs hit the do not serve list....that is really my favorite.

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