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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Like most people, I have a few quirks and hang ups. I am not sure if quirks define a person or not. Everyone has things in their personality that screams odd to some people while being complete rational to others. We each have our own quirkiness to a degree. Some have to sleep with a light on at all times. Others can only eat things in even numbers. This use to be considered quirkiness, but now it is called OCD. We just love to put a name to things. Now poor old Aunt Ethel would have OCD instead of being the eccentric of the family. I know by now you are dying to know what my quirk is...well, maybe not dying but your curiosity has sure been peaked. Okay, here is one of the oddities in my life. I DON'T DRINK BATHROOM WATER. It is just that simple. No water from the bathroom is going to cross these lips. Laugh if you want, but that water is nasty. First of all think about what a bathroom is used for..UGH!!! Then the cold water in the bathroom is always luke warm...spew it out. Then my personal opinion it taste like there is hair in the water to me. I have a thing about hair...I hate to touch it. That should clear up why my hair looks like it does. Mark cleans out my hair brush. Touching it causes an anxiety in me. This could be quirkiness number two for me. Getting back to the bathroom water. I have attempted to be tricked on this matter. Mark got me some water when we were first married. He didn't know, and got it from the bathroom. I told him that I don't drink bathroom water. He thought this was crazy. He went to the kitchen to get me some water. I took a swallow and spit it out. This is bathroom water I cried. How can you tell he asked me. I just can!!! Sure enough he had gone to the guest bath at the other end of the house to prove that it was all in my head. Well, the joke was on him...I know the difference. He loves me still quirks and all. We thank God everyday for bottled water. Now this probably explains a little bit of my personality to you. LOL. NO BATHROOM WATER!!

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