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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where if not the Ear??

I go into the bathroom this morning to get a Q-tip because my ear is itching. Then I see the warning...do not insert into ear canal. Well, this is breaking news since that is about all I use a Q-tip for. They listed more ways to use a Q-tip. You can apply cream with them, clean between computer keys, apply make up, take off nail polish and I am sure if I really thought about it; even I could probably come up with more uses. Let's face facts most people use them to insert in our ears to clean them or to help scratch an itch that is impossible to reach. In all my days, I never knew you weren't suppose to put a Q-tip in your ear. I would think this is safer than a car key or a bobby pin...that is what some of the old timers use. If not a Q-tip, then what???

1 comment:

  1. I always heard that but ignored it just like everyone else. BUT, our preacher, when he was little, used a Q-tip to clean his ears. A couple of weeks later he started having really bad earaches and headaches. After seeing several doctors it turned out the head of the Q-tip had come off and he didn't realize it! At this point it had grown into the skin in his inner ear to the point that they had to surgically remove it! He said he is nervous every time he uses a Q-tip now! (True story - now I check the heads of the Q-tip every time I clean my ears!! lol!)
