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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Joining Up!!!

After seeing all the great fruits and vegetables that Amanda got this summer, we decided to join Sandhills Farm to Table Co-op. I was so excited when I read what would be and could be in the fall boxes. First of all, I am a huge greens and winter squash fan. I loved what they said would be available. There are a few things, like rutabagas, that we don't like but my parents do; so we will be sharing with them. We opted to get a box every other week, because with just the two of us it would be hard to eat a whole box of vegetables up every week. I can't believe you get a box full for only $21. Produce is so high in the grocery store, and this is cheaper than growing a garden ourselves. Our first delivery is the first week of September for the fall orders. The best part is one of the pick up places is a half a mile down the road for us, that made it even a sweeter deal. Can't wait to get our first box of goodies and also help out our local farmers.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! What a great deal!!! Sounds like you all will have lots of fresh veggies this fall, enjoy!!!!
