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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Saturday, July 17, 2010

She Pouts, I Give In!!!

In more ways than one, she has communicated that she wants bacon. I say no, you have to eat what I have fixed for you. She outright refuses!! Okay, then don't eat...I don't care. I leave her in the kitchen to eat, and as I leave I hear the all familiar sneeze of her...this is her I am not happy noise. I leave and decide to stick to my guns, no bacon eat your food. After 20 minutes I go back in the kitchen and food is scattered all over the floor. I almost get upset until I notice she has her face buried and cocks her head up with the look of "I am so sorry I acted this way.". I cave like a deteriorating building and start dragging out the bacon. I decide not to fight a 10 year anymore. I mean what is the use, she wins; she always win. How can you not look into that little furry face and not cave. That is right, Lilly the shih-tzu dog wins at getting her way once again. See why I don't have children? I can't even discipline my dog. She pouts and I give in. This shouldn't be a news flash for me, it has been happening for 10 years.

1 comment:

  1. Tracey, as I'm sure you are well aware, this trait is exactly why you are an incredible aunt and friend!!! And why children flock to you! LOL
