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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Life or Yours???

I am scanning my Facebook page seeing what my friends are up to today (btw, haven't seen people in 20 yrs, but since FB I have to know what they are doing everyday now). One comment catches my eye, "I wish I had your life". It was a comment after one of my friends posted something great about her day (like they would post the crappy stuff). It made me think..would I want someone else's life? NO!! I love my life. It's not perfect, but then again noone else's is either. I know what my past and my present and even what my future holds. I don't know anyone else's life, but I know mine. I have no regrets in life, except maybe not sticking with piano lessons(mom always said I would regret this). I mean that is not weighing on my mind so heavily that it keeps me up at night. I had a great childhood and wonderful teenage years. I married the man of my dreams, and he continued to spoil me where daddy left off. I do regret not trying to have a baby again when I had the chance. I am not depressed sobbing my eyes out about it every waking moment, but there are regrets. It really is not an issue to me until someone makes it an issue. Like not having children makes you a horrible person. Life hasn't always been easy, but who's life has been a bowl of cherries? My biggest reason for never wanting to trade lives with someone is...I know where I am going after I leave this earth. That is something you can't know about another person, no matter how well you think you know them. Why trade assurance for unassurance? While some may look like they have it all and have it all together...you never know. I say stick with what you know. You never know a person's regrets or mistakes in their past, but you do know yours. For the record...I choose my life. It's not always perfect, but I know where it's been and where it is going.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree....I don't want someone else's life, I'm quite content in my own world, mostly because all of my invisible friends are here, heehee!

    Seriously, this was a great entry, and I think you hit it right on the head!!
