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This blog is made up of the ramblings and going on's in my life. Some exciting and some not so much...so I will spice those experiences up. LOL Jump on board and follow me along this journey I call "life".

Monday, December 14, 2009

From the Heart!!!

Mitzvah means worthy deed. There are lots of worthy deeds floating around. People now days stick more to themselves and their families. I have always heard the phrase "God bless our 4 and no more.". That is the way some feel. I have always felt that we are to help people. To help meet their needs no matter their situation, race or social standing. I say situation, but I won't be helping an alcoholic or drug addict buy more booze or drugs. I am talking more about those who have hit bottom or down on their luck. We tend to judge people who are down on their luck. Someone who can't find a job, we automatically think that they are lazy. Why do we judge people when things are at their worst for them? Instead of judging, we need to offer help. You don't always have to pull money from your pocket to help. Help them find a job or guide them to the right place that can help them. Just do something that shows you care. That is what most people want...somone who cares. This Christmas season do a "mitzvah"...a worthy deed.

Today for my deed, I am putting a tie in the mail for one of Mark's old friends. He worked with Leonard at JB Short's years ago. Leonard is a preacher or rather a bishop in his church now. We haven't seen him in a while, and we only catch up with him at Christmas. Just a little surprise for him this Christmas season.

Remember the babe in the manger didn't stay there. He grew up and died on a cross for your sins and my sins. He arose 3 days later and He is coming again. This Christmas not only remember the Reason for the Season, but also remember the reason the babe was born. To save us from our sins if only we believe on Him and accept H

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